Thursday, December 3, 2009


-Christmas presents
-Go for a bike ride
-Make a biosphere and/or terrarium - I've decided I can't do this until the pond is no longer frozen over. So I'll take a rain-check on this until spring.
-Figure out a better system for organizing schoolwork / purchase notebooks
-Clean the pet tanks
-Go to dentist appointment
-Get the new Cute Overload calendar
-Get a couch
-Get an electric toothbrush
-Make this woodgrain rug
-Learn how to make these pompom balls
-Get necklace and watch fixed
-Get new curtain rods
-Read at least one of these books:
     Sirens of Titan
     The Baron in the Trees
     Nine Stories
     Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour
     Post Office
     Generation A

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